SPLAV Association
is LEADER Acton Group with great experience in local rural area development. The Applican has excellent partnership relation with this partner from the previous projects under various programs. The partner is reliable, well communicating with appropriate human and other resources to run cross border projects. The main criteria was the knowledge base and interest towards the project goals and experience /diversity to work with selected target groups, particularly youth. Their role in the project would be the supervision and organisation of the Study tour for EaP partners and contribution to the youth camps with practical training in area of trail marking, local stakehodler involvement and marketing of tourism products.
Website: www.sdruzenisplav.cz
Jövő-Kép Egyesület
We also express our main goal of choosing our name. We believe that through active, committed work, the involvement and active participation of local communities, we have the opportunity to change our common future. But this is only possible if we have a positive vision for all of us, and together we help each other to develop it further. Our members have more than 10 years of experience in self-organizing communities, and our work in the nonprofit and forprofit sectors leaves a mark. We believe that the creation of communities, and the social good they create, are not sector-specific, and moreover, the interconnection of individuals and communities coming from different areas, from different backgrounds, can create the human and professional quality in which we want to work. Our role in the project is organisation of Study tour for EaP in Hungary and Slovakia, and youth camp programs
Website: www.jovokepegyesulet.hu
Georgian Association of Educational Initiatives (SIQA)
SIQA – Georgian Association of Educational Initiatives is a non-profit legal entity, which is productively functioning in Georgia and abroad since 1999. SIQA oriented on development of critical and creative thinking trough informal learning among society’s members (age is unlimited), who’s motivated to positive changes, but also contribute to introducing innovative and already approved method of studying, that a person established as an active citizen, who’s oriented on self-development. SIQA’s work style: Clubs, trainings, seminars, camps and other that represented as a projects or programmes. We will be responsible for youth camp supervision in Georgia, organization of logistics, program, services, local youth participation.
Website: www.siqa.org.ge
FORZA Agency for sustainable development of the Carpathian Region nonprofit organisation
Well established and reliable institution active in regional and community development, education, mobility and forest conservation. Reliable long term partner of the Applicant with participation in several cross border and international projects. We will be responsible for youth camp supervision in Ukraine, organization of logistics, program, services, local youth participation and Study tour organisation logistics for both EaP partners.
Website: www.forza.ua
Polski Klub Ekologiczny w Gliwicach
PKE Gliwice has vast experience in the realization of projects implemented in rural areas in the fields of ecological farming and sustainable tourism. In the past, we have cooperated with Visegrad partners and we have realized two projects with the support of the Visegrad Fund. Although this would be our first experience working together with Applicant we are very interested in cooperating on this project because of its connection to our interests and experiences.
Website: www.pkegliwice.pl
Legend Photo
Legend photo was founded in 2011 as an association of photographers, youth leaders, musicians and NGO activists in order to fulfil the desire of its members to help their communities. The mission of the Association is : Through full utilisation of human potential, capacity and creativity in arts, culture, self-development contribute to the more effective and dynamic, sustainable development of the society and to meaningful free time spending of children, youth and adults. Since its foundations Legend Foto conducted many activities and projects that involve and educate youth and children or increase skills and competence of adult learners. The proposed project is in line with the mission and initiatives of the Association as it will address and promote sustainable development in Carpahian and Caucasian regions and contribute to the adaptation to climate change. The Association work on voluntary base, however due to running of temporary projects partly employs the needed staff and hired experts. Between 2016-2018 Legend Photo had 8 employees working in 3 projects. Among them are IPMA certified professional complex project manager, professional accountant with 16 years of practice, professional photographers, teachers, writer-publicist, musician and entrepreneurs. The Association is involved in number of initiatives : sustainable mobility campaign connected to European Mobility Week, development of rural tourism and conservation of cultural heritage and folk crafts, social and scientific projects. Legend Photo uses the skills of its professional staff to achieve the highest quality of outputs and safeguard the satisfaction of trainees. The past KUFOR cross border cooperation project results justified this approach.
Website: www.legendfoto.sk